20 Days Into 2020

We are 20 days into 2020 and all I want to know is… are you still keeping in check with your New Year’s resolutions? Are you still going to the gym, regularly? Are you still learning that new language?  Did you finish that book you promised you would read? Or did you fall back into your regular routine? Maybe you didn’t even make any resolutions because you don’t believe change NEEDS to happen on the 1st day of a new year.

Whatever you’ve accomplished, abandoned or kept consistent; just own up to it. 

And it’s okay to start your resolutions in February… March.. June.. or even in October. You know. Whenever you’re ready. You do, you. Thanks for checking in.

Oh, I guess before you go I should share my New Year attempts. 

Well, a new podcast will be posted here. I’m working on a title (I think I have something but maybe I don’t) Maybe I’ll run a full marathon this year. I kinda didn’t.. I mean, I DID NOT keep my word and I might owe ya’ll a promise. (scroll down to see a prior post about this) Will I make an attempt to reunite with my family? Nah, I have enough trash cans in my life. Maybe next year. Plus, they know where to find me. Why should I make the first move? We’ll discuss on the new pod. 

Happy New Year!

My girlfriend wears the pants... I wear the gown.

On February 19th I posted that I was going to start training for a full marathon.  Feb 19th POST

Honestly, I haven’t done any running yet, but I have done a little walking. The pneumonia kind. Walking pneumonia. The day after I posted about running again, my body decides that’s not a good idea.

Prior to me knowing I had pneums I tried self medicating with some over the counter drugs. A little NyQuil™ here, a little DayQuil™ there… a sprinkle of Benadryl... a long list of teas and other herbs and spices. I lived off dry toast & over the counter liquid gold for a few days. I thought I was getting better but my girlfriend was not impressed.

Here’s the reason my wonderful girlfriend wears the pants in the relationship and I wear a gown.


She basically forced me to go to the doctor by setting up an appointment for me. She called me on her way home from work, and told me it was time to man up & go to the doctor. While I was coughing and trying to tell her I was fine and getting better, I received a text message from a doctor’s office confirming that I had an appointment in 1 hour. I told her I’d meet her outside when she gets home, so she could drive me to the office.

After a few minutes with the doctor and a quick x-ray, he confirmed it was more then just a little cold. I had full blown pneumonia.

You can understand why I hate running. Thinking of running gives me pneumonia.

P.S. I lost about 8 pounds from this, so it’s sorta like I was running the whole time. (Gotta stay positive)